Tracker Metricool
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At Celsia, we help you to avoid losses in the critical operations of your company, project or residential unit by performing predictive and preventive tests on your electromechanical equipment so that you can extend their useful life, ensure continuity in your processes and optimize your performance programs.

How does it work?

Line separator
Request an energy diagnosis to revolutionize your company's equipment and electrical installations and extend the useful life of your assets.
How does it work?


Achieve continuity in your productive processes.

Achieve continuity in your productive processes.

Optimize your operational performance programs.

Optimize your operational performance programs.


Thermographic studies.

Thermographic studies.

Physical analysis of dielectric oils.

Physical analysis of dielectric oils.



Motor tests, among others.

Motor tests, among others.

Let's talk

If you want to know about Diagnosis and analysis of your electrical equipment, please enter all your information so that our advisors can contact you as soon as possible.

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