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-10 COP (-0,27%)
al 07-02-25 04:01 PM

3.680COP /

-10 COP (-0,27%)
al 07-02-25 04:01 PM

Fixed income

In 2013 Celsia S.A.E.S.P. (“Celsia” or the “Company”) issued its first ordinary bonds in the local stock market for the amount of $ 800 billion colombian pesos (the “Ordinary Bonds”). The Placement was made through a Dutch auction on the Bolsa de Valores de Colombia S.A.

During the term of the auction, Celsia received demands of $ 1,348 billion colombian pesos equivalent to 2.25 times the amount initially offered ($ 600 billion pesos), so took the possibility of over-allotment ordinary bonds up to $ 200,000 million colombian pesos, placing between the general public, a total of $ 800 billion colombian pesos

The Technical Committee of BRC Investor Services S.A. SCV assigned Initial Rating AA + on Long Term Debt to Ordinary Bonds of Celsia by $ 800,000 million to be issued. Current credit rating is AAA.

Find here the Prospectus Information of the company and the Public Offering Notification.

The Ordinary Bonds, which are made to order and can be traded in the secondary market through the Bolsa de Valores de Colombia S.A., were awarded as follows:

Title Place Nominal value Placing Expiration Facial Rate Qualification Qualifier Titles Destination
Ordinary bonds Colombia 240.650.000.000 11/12/2013 12 years IPC + 5,00% E.A. AAA BRC Investors Services S.A. SCV 240.650 Substitution of financial liabilities
Ordinary bonds Colombia 11/12/2013 20 years IPC + 5,33% E.A. AAA BRC Investors Services S.A. SCV 212.080 Substitution of financial liabilities
Title Place Nominal value
Ordinary bonds Colombia 240.650.000.000
Ordinary bonds Colombia
Placing Expiration Facial Rate
11/12/2013 12 years IPC + 5,00% E.A.
11/12/2013 20 years IPC + 5,33% E.A.
Qualification Qualifier Titles
AAA BRC Investors Services S.A. SCV 240.650
AAA BRC Investors Services S.A. SCV 212.080
Substitution of financial liabilities
Substitution of financial liabilities

Celsia S.A. has accounts receivables from Celsia Colombia originated on the sale of generation assets carried out in 2018. The structure of the payment, of both principal and interest, is in line with the payment of principal and interest of the bonds issued by Celsia.

Find here the Current Rating Report